And we want to make sure every young mind knows it. Open Studio consists of bimonthly design workshops created to spark youth’s interest in design and show them all the ways it can be a part of their lives, now and in the future. Free and open to all between ages 9 and 13, workshops will take place in our stores and cover everything from fashion design to furniture design.
Open Studio
When are they offered?
Open Studio workshops are held every couple months.
Is it free?
You bet. All sessions are free (including all materials) and open to the public.
Who teaches the workshops?
Our talented team leads the fun. Since we aren’t educators by training, we’ve partnered with the award-winning education department of our hometown’s Walker Art Center to develop ever evolving curriculums filled with hands-on activities.
We’re all creative. But we’re not all given the same chance to explore where our creativity can take us. We can help change that.
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